
Thursday, 7 November 2013

There Is A Brand Within – A Brand Called ‘ YOU ‘

The Holy Bible says, “ For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,so that we ca n do the good things he planned for us long ago”

God is the ultimate craftsman and he does not create anything without value.You are a work of God and nothing but the highest and the best comes from his hands.There is something that he has planned for you.

The journey to create your personal brand starts with small steps.
  • First you have to get over the mindset that there is nothing UNIQUE about you.
  • You are special - feel so.
  • Start believing and respecting yourself
  • Fall in love with self first – This will also help you to be able to be loved.
  • Know your value by knowing yourself and unleash it

I personally believe that there is strong brand within – A Brand Called ‘ YOU ‘.Never underestimate yourself . Never let yesterday’s disappointments overshadow tomorrows' dreams.

Brian G.Dyson ,the former CEO The Coca-Cola Company had rightly said ' Value Has A Value Only If Its Value Is Valued "

Make some corner of the world distinctively yours .You are original. You  are rare. You are unique. You are a wonder. Only you can be you .You are a masterpiece...  you are Master's piece .

Celebrate Your Uniqueness

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